Today I met my second nemeses. The day started out nice enough. I got a great nights sleep last night and I awoke all full of the promises of a great day. Mom and I hung out and then Dad and I hung out and things were going well. After my lunch (which is after my brunch, which is after my breakfast, which is after my late-night snack) my dad put me in the car seat. I love to drive around and go places, this is going to be fun.
We drove for ten minutes or so and arrived in an unfamiliar parking lot by a large brick building. My reading level is pretty low (I am only six weeks old) so I couldn't quite make out the sign but it looked like some place where people practice being a family (it said Family Practice on the door and that makes sense to me). We went inside and there were lots of toys in this nice room with chairs and a lady at a desk. Dad and I played while mommy talked to the lady.
Then we went into this small room, it was pretty neat. Then all of a sudden this little short lady came in and told me she was my doctor. She then forcibly stripped me down, poked me, prodded me, put cold things on me, measured me and weighed me like I was a captured animal. All twenty-one and a half inches and ten pounds four ounces of me felt violated. So I did what I do best, I used my super powered scream to try to scare her off. She wasn't even fazed. She is a strong one, she is.
Next time she mentioned something about doing shots (I thought I was too young to drink but that sounds cool). Maybe next time will go better. Maybe.
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