Friday, July 23, 2010

Oh the Injustice. . .

This is La Vaca, the Cow (aka Malcolm's mother), writing for Worm who is so overwhelmed by the injustice of the world that he has not stopped crying all the waking day. The Agriculturalist (aka Malcolm's father) and I have been desperately trying to devise a means to help relieve Worm of his suffering but alas nothing is working.

Usually, after a trying day of composting the world's most evil, Worm likes to unwind by listening to his favorite band, The Vacuum Cleaner. But today even the melodic stylings of the Cleaner is not enough to soothe him.

We suspect that Early Bird is behind Worm's sudden downturn. Last week Worm and Early Bird engaged in an epic struggle. Early Bird had the upper hand for most of the fight but Worm was able to successfully wiggle his way out of Early Bird's clutches. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to apprehend her at that time. This failure to bring Early Bird to justice may have triggered Worm's emotional downfall.
Let's hope, for all our sakes, that he's able to pull out of it soon. For I shutter to think of what will happen if he doesn't. . .


  1. Uncle Mark and Aunt MaryJuly 24, 2010 at 2:10 PM

    We hope Malcolm aka Worm, will inherit his parents'literary skills.

  2. Well I don't know about literary skills but Mimi says he's inherited my temperment. I think she was insinuating that I am . . . how shall I put it. . . fiesty.

  3. Literary skills and VIVID imagination! One feels there is, and probably never will be, a dull moment at the Reed/Worm residence! I can just see the notes (regarding his "tall" stories)coming home from school now!
