Even superheroes have grandparents. In fact most superheroes have super grandparents from whom they have inherited their special crime fighting skills. This is certainly the case with my three grandparents--Nana Dianne, Nana Jean, and Poppa "Bear" Ted--and one great grandmother--Mimi. From Nana Dianne, I have inherited a love of walking (cardio is vital to any superhero's fitness routine) and an almost supernatural ability to bake tasty things (great for distracting enemies--for one can't even think about evil and injustice whilst eating one of her tasty morsels). From Nana Jean, I have inherited a love of travel (while most superheros think about saving just their city--Batman, I'm talking to you--I have ambitions to save the whole world!) and a deep affection for all my fellow creatures,even the slimy ones (for isn't a worm just a kitten without fur or legs?). As for Poppa Ted, I have inherited a vivid imagination (there hasn't been a super villain yet that can out imagine me) and the ability to weave a great yarn (I even laugh, or rather smile, at my own stories like Poppa Ted). And from Mimi, I have inherited my ability to see the good in almost anyone (an important trait in my line of work for without believing that goodness resides in most people one might be brought down my life's injustice).
Recently Nana Jean and Poppa Ted came to visit me and take me on an outing. Anything that allows me to interact with the public and forget about the evil lurking just below the surface of the social order makes me happy. But where to go? We decided upon Roger Williams Zoo. It is a great place to interact with all sorts of animals each bestowed with their own special powers just like us here at the Menagerie.
On the way there Poppa Ted and I sat in the back seat. Although a little squished, Poppa Ted sacrificed his own comfort in order to fulfill the crucial role of the Binky Giver (sorry Nana Dianne. . . the Binky's power was too much for us all). When we got there I was so comforted that I felt a bit sleepy. In fact, I was so sleepy that I sleep through most of the zoo. Mom tells me that we saw all sorts of cool animals like elephants, giraffes, and tortoises. They even have a binturong like they do at Capron Park! Although, I totally needed the rest (it was a really busy night of crime fighting--I don't think I slept more than three hours the whole night), I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get to talk to some of these amazing creatures. Talking shop is how we crime fighters sharpen our skills.
But despite my disappointment at missing such an important opportunity to swap crime fighting tips with my peers, it was wonderful to spend the day with my grandparents. It is hard to live so far away from them but the distance makes it all the more special when I finally do get to see them.
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