Readers, I'm in love. Real, tingly, earth shaking love! Her name is Dora and the very thought of her makes me smile. Oh how I wish you could see her! She's long and elegant with breathtaking angular features. Her porcelain skin shines in the soft morning light.
We met while my mother and I were having lunch at our favorite spot, The Rocking Chair. I had just ordered the special, la leche de la madre, when I saw her! Although we never made eye contact, I knew that very moment that this was the woman for me. For weeks Dora resisted my advances. Nothing I did or said seemed to make any impression upon her. I thought all was for not. That I'd be doomed to spend my days pining for one who would never love me in return. I was sleepless, cranky, desperate for a kind word or gentle smile but nothing.
Then one day something changed. I had returned to The Rocking Chair, my mother in tow, hoping to try once again to catch my lady's eye when a surprising thing happened. Dora winked at me! After weeks of rejection finally a sign of hope! I couldn't wait to get back to the restaurant to see her again. My mother began to suspect something was up because all throughout our meal I had a hard time looking at anything but my lovely. Finally, seething with jealousy, my mother turned around to see what had captured my eye. And do you know what she had the audacity to say? Do you know?! She looked straight at my love and said "Malcolm what are you looking at? That's just a door." A door? A door?!! How could my mother slander Dora like that? How could she not appreciate her linear design, her sparkly faux crystal door knob. . . oh I could go one for ages. How could she not see how Dora had enchanted me?
It took me a while to forgive her but eventually I got hungry again and decided a truce between mom and me was in our mutual best interest. Dora and I continue to take things slowly but I know, I just know, we are going to be together forever! For readers although she projects a tough, some would say wooden, exterior, inside there's a fragile flower just waiting for a worm to come and fertilize her heart.

I feel for you Malcolm. Most parents just don't understand.
ReplyDeleteI just had to say.....I miss my little worm !!! Susan~