Friday, December 3, 2010

The Evolution of Worm

It has started. My evolution into the world's deadliest defender of decency has begun. It is a transformation which has consumed me for much of these past few weeks. I've been growing and changing almost daily. La Vaca and The Agriculturalist seem amazed, even somewhat frightened, by my new powers. In fact my new powers are so great, I am kept up by the thought of my own deadliness. For as with any great change, comes great sleeplessness.

In order to strike fear in the hearts of my enemies, I have posted a video training log highlighting the power of my evolution.

Video #1: The Death Flop

Video #2: Advanced Composting

Video #3: Marsupial of Mayhem

Video#4: Kiai-jitsu

Video #5: The Alligator Death Roll

(Ignore La Vaca's concern. I don't get hurt. I give hurt. Remember it.)

Impressive, I know.